Flower Essences Society
FES Quintessentials Booklet [DE]
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Item no.:
32 Seiten
FES Quintessentials Booklet [DE]
Brief overview of the 103 California flower remedies.
German Edition
Diese Broschüre enthält einige Grundlagen über die Kalifornischen Essenzen (FES Quintessentials) sowie eine Übersicht über die 103 Blütenessenzen, jeweils mit ihren positiven und negativen Aspekten.
Das Booklet ist hervorragend für Einsteiger geeignet, die sich einen ersten Überblick verschaffen wollen.
Legal information
Manufacturer: Flower Essence Services, PO Box 1769, Nevada City, CA 95959, UNITED STATES, https://www.fesflowers.com
Responsible person: Sann GmbH, Schweinheimer Str. 6 B, 63739 Aschaffenburg, GERMANY
Responsible person: Sann GmbH, Schweinheimer Str. 6 B, 63739 Aschaffenburg, GERMANY
Legal note:
Vibratonal essences are considered food in the sense of Art. 2 of EU act no. 178/2002. They do not have a direct effect on body or psyche that can be proved with today's scientific methods. All statements made here refer to energetic aspects as such aura, meridians, chakras etc.
Note according to §32 VerpackG:
All essence bottles are NON-RETURNABLE packaging. Please reuse them yourself or put them in the recycling bin.